JINTBUS0101PENELOPE Engine Version 1.2MQ07wt|p} Update Service March 1996 Update Service  0Passing File Format Barriers with PDF and Adobe  /International Travel Tips Through the Internet  Tax Time!  !%End of the Update Service Topic List /J CUserObject q CPresObject$qf= 19 March 1996: What's NewT CShapeList CDIBShape!VjOƭSqjOCDibBA%BM%6(jOT!  dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c\ʪKPPPiprrurrf`PZPKLͫGLOSSARYf&Click to search the reference glossary`KC+?-n{v89JZyeVwKJ55 !v:`:Glossary!uͫSEARCH_LIST ToursClick to select a tour.`!_ q[ J MD) 6Mfx ~9~FHbrigSzZbHm@m7r_ Q L M 5!{ͫk Click to connect to the Internet`{7 0 cq+)4Fb`{Wy\NO8x = 438x = 438 !ͫSEARCH_LIST Sites|#Click for a list of Internet sites.`-PgZR'Q,N0[;]@a9j6j1m-r&u 3~;wBvGWzc~hl^IyTrCa=b;e6l,^2]3Y*PHO= 4-) >EDK Qf= 5 x = !ZpyzͫSEARCH_LIST FAQx.Click for a list of frequently asked questions`yzC$COak,l5s=zKyUlrLyAv/q%dUF6+ ',C 5 !Hͫmp,Click to see the organization of this CD-ROM`"qxKRX]bgmrwxiR<+!  }xp ic \G)D$r 5!gxͫoh2Click to configure or launch external applications`x@fkb,a3xLc3p"h*h*Q#F@A= 8 x = 49 !f`fSites of Interest"ArialNew Romanof !V `V #Connect to the Internet "ArialNew RomanoV !'`'ڀTours"ArialNew Romano' !#=`=Software"ArialNew Romano= !V0`V0&Frequently Asked Questions0"ArialNew RomanoV !<Y0`Y0)Browse the Table of Contents0"ArialNew RomanoYCEllipse!e**ͫSEARCH_LIST FAQu.Click for a list of frequently asked questions`** !3V`V BAnuBMnu6(V  dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c.mm^3 3 33^^<^3.333^v33<^vm rA/Dsmmū^mmc^^! 3^^mm^^3 ^m3^^ 3^^m^m^m^ <^ v^m^m̫k7/[ mm^^^mm3^^! ^ .ȁ^3 3^<.^.mmm^<33^^mmv^^ <^^m^^vv^3 m 3<<<^c^mmrD8Zfmmmm^m.^^m3 ..^mmm^!3m3m <33m^3^^mm^̫rK8fmm^^^^<<^^<!!3c  .cm^^^^^mm̫ū ̫ſ́m̫̫^^^m^mmȿ%Ȗ[/Drmmv<< ^m^^3^3v^mm 5.3 m|mmm^ m%m3 ^^^3mȋm̫^c^<<.<<^^^ 灄<<^^ <^^^^^%дr8Usmc^^<f<^^%mc^<^m!3&^^^mmcȄm ! ^<^mm^<^m^c%ȌP8f mm5 vmm 3ms3 3^m m 3^mmm3c !. <^ < c^m%%̴Ъk8K|^mm<3ξmm s<竡^̪ mm  mmc3^mm<3.^^ !!.m^ ^^. 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To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J n$n RoSY*.1http://www.nytimes.com/i !<xdnx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J m$m ]oSY*.1http://www.amazon.comh !<xdmx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J l$l 5oSY*.1http://www.nase.org/h !<xdlx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J k$k ZoSY*.&1http://nestegg.iddis.com/smithbarney/h !<xdkx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J j$j EoSY*.51http://www.doc.gov/inquery/BudgetFY96/BudgetWWW.htmlh !<xdjx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J i$i :oSY*.!1http://www.clark.net/pub/rhaynalh !<xdix=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J h$h X9 EditorialA ! @@h@Internet Community Responds to Censorship Attempts  Last month I talked about some of the things that governments and on-line service providers are doing to try to control content on the Internet. This month, I will share with you how Internet users respond or retaliate against censorship attempts. The examples I cite show that even the most compelling reasons to censor are almost impossible to enforce, as illustrated by a recent situation involving the German government. The German government discovered that a Canadian by the name of Ernst Zndel had developed a +Web, site called the Zundelsite. Ernst's Zundelsite contained a "revisionist" view of World War II. For example, he suggested that the traditional historical account of the holocaust is totally inaccurate. Germany has strict laws which prohibit its citizens from participating in any kind of pro-Nazi activities or discussions. The German government discovered that people in Germany were using the Internet to access the Zundelsite. The German government warned Germany's Internet provider that it was breaking German laws by allowing the Zundelsite information to enter Germany. The German Internet provider decided to comply with the German laws by blocking Germany's access to the Zundelsite. The Zundelsite is hosted at a commercial +Web, presence provider (www.webcom.com). To block access to the Zundelsite, the German Internet provider configured its systems so its customers could not reach the "webcom.com" +domain,. Keep in mind, webcom.com contains over 1500 other +Web, sites, and they were blocked as well. As word spread throughout the Internet community about this censorship, +Web, masters from all over the world volunteered to help thwart this attempt at censorship. +Web, sites all over the Internet began to host a complete copy of the Zundelsite information. As a result, in order to keep the Zundelsite information from reaching Germany, the German Internet provider would have needed to block many other Internet sites as well, including many of the most popular and useful sites on the Internet. It was clear that this approach was not going to work short of totally disconnecting Germany's access to the Internet The German government was not pleased with this series of events. Its attempt to censor information had resulted in the Zundelsite, with its revisionist view of the holocaust, becoming one of the most widely mirrored pieces of information on the Internet. Many of the +Web, masters who volunteered to mirror the information said that they were not personally happy about promoting the visibility of the Zundelsite content, but they felt that the censorship issue was more important. The fear of the Internet community is that if one country succeeds in censoring the Internet, a hundred other countries will try as well. The Internet's response to the Zundelsite incident sends a clear message to other governments; "Try to censor any piece of information, and the Internet will make sure the information is multiplied a thousand times over." Today on the Internet, you will notice many +Web, sites containing a blue ribbon in support of free speech. This campaign was kicked-off when the United States passed sweeping telecommunication legislation. Included in the legislation, were "decency" provisions which not only regulate pornography on the Internet, but also make it illegal to even discuss the issue of abortion. China also recently announced its intention to have all Internet information entering the country first pass through a "ministry of information" before reaching its citizens. The rights of citizens vs. their governments is a battle that has been fought throughout history. Clearly this evolving struggle will continue onto the field of cyberspace. For the first time though, the citizens of the world have a potentially powerful tool, the Internet, which can keep them exceptionally well-informed, assuming that the Internet retains its independence. I have heard rumblings of declaring the Internet as its own sovereign country, but that would be the subject of another editorial :-) Russ Haynal #ihttp://www.clark.net/pub/rhaynal $iruss@navigators.com@ J e$e V3Zsult Aut ! e17 CPanelRect!noe !eSt. Patrick's Day  Commemorating, Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, this national holiday in Ireland and Northern Ireland is also celebrated in several other countries. In 432 AD, Saint Patrick left his home in England to spread Christianity throughout Ireland. J d$d V.Zsult Aut !d13Ӏ! nod ! dGood Samaritan Involvement Day  In remembrance of Catherine (Kitty) Genovese's death in 1964, this day encourages unselfish aid to those who need it. Kitty was pursued and murdered while 38 of her neighbors watched; not wanting to "get involved." J a$a TO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsS !aPPaPjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭQam BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cfך׋!&&!!!ffffw3 !ff|ff!w簖f7!&Q3#f?&!ffQ !i@7`f@7 BABM6(@7dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cfך׋!&&!!!ffffw3 !ff|ff!w簖f7!&Q3#f?&!ffQ !\ef&#ohttp://www.fbi.gov/toplist.htm$o"Arial/ Turko !iffi1Help reduce the crime rate in America. Visit The FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives site which comes complete with pictures and biographies of the FBIs top 10. It also includes information on how to contact the nearest FBI field office, should you happen to live next door to one of these fugitives. :-(i"Arial/ Turko !fPgf>#jhttp://www.doc.gov/inquery/BudgetFY96/ BudgetWWW.html$j"Arial/ Turko !KhfKThe US Budget site shows the U.S. Government Budget for the 1996 Fiscal Year. It also provides the Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget, analytical perspectives, and historical tables.K"Arial/ Turko !kf#nhttp://www.nytimes.com/$n"Arial/ Turko !dxlfx=The New York Times has opened a +Web, site which includes much of the content of its daily newspaper. Topics include Today's Front Page, Sections, News by Category, searchable Classifieds, and user interactive forums on such issues as the future of newspapers, the press and politics, and international affairs.x"Arial/ Turko ! dLƭofdL BA!BM!6(dL".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cKƭX`>K BABM6(>K".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J c$c 4oSY*.31http://w1000.mv.us.adobe.com/Acrobat/readstep.htmlx !<xucx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J a$a TO'| "Submitting Update Service Comments_ !aP\aPjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭ]am BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J `$` B5 oSub1P(         `7 !mW%'mmmݜPDF file` BABM6(".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cKƭW##>K͜`>K BABM6(>K".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J c$c WoSY*.51http://www.stolaf.edu/network/travel-advisories.htmlm !<xhcx-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide Web browser. However, the URL for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the Web: 1. Start your browser or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the URL into the URL display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide Web browser: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide Web Browser from the list. J b$b ^oSY*.61http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/www/travel_tips/catrav.htmlk !<xhbx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J a$a TO'| "Submitting Update Service Comments\ !aPYaPjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭZam BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J f$f !oSY*.31http://www.yahoo.com/Society_and_Culture/Cultures/l !<xhfx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J g$g "oSY*.1http://www.city.netl !<xhgx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J `$` B5 oSub1P      `$!?$ͫh W?$"Press for a list of related topics`$relatedUrelatedDrelated BABM6($".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c><=;=3<2;1;0;/:)9(8'8'7%6$5"5"4!3 21/.-,+*)'&$#"!           sr,r,,f`, BABM6(,ܛ#.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c?@ACEFGMOPRX^defhpvxyz|}~  !"#$$&&'(())**++,...00012233444 4 4 5 66666666677788 8!8"8#8$8%8'8)9*9+9,9-9.9/9096:<:>:?:@:B:C:D:F:G:I:J:K:L:M:N:P:Q:R:T:V:W:Y:[:\:]:^:_:`:a: iBum+/+/+/+/+/(/P`/ BA BM 6(/#.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J a$a TO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsY !aPVaPjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭWam BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J d$d ,'Excerpt from FAQ CharterB ! npAdnpThe charter for misc.taxes.moderated: Misc.taxes.moderated is for the discussion of taxes, including, but not limited to, proposed and existing tax laws, regulations and procedures, among professional tax practitioners and other interested persons, and for answering queries concerning taxes. This +newsgroup, is intended to provide a home for well-tempered discussions, including, but not limited to, the following subjects: 1. Current developments in tax law including but not limited to, court decisions, legislative enactments, and executive actions with tax implications, and proposed laws and actions. 2. The content and effects of existing tax laws, and rulings of courts at all levels. 3. Professional ethics and professional discipline of tax professionals. 4. Problems encountered by tax practitioners that may be of interest to the tax community. 5. First-person anecdotes and commentary by non-practitioners concerning encounters they have had with tax practitioners, the IRS, the courts, and other entities which administer taxes. 6. Queries (including those from non-practitioners) concerning the content of the tax law, and replies to those posts, so long as the context of the exchange makes it clear that **specific legal tax advice is not being provided**. Responses will be posted in the +newsgroup, and not sent by E-mail, so that the response can benefit from peer review by others in the group. 7. Tax humor (There is such a thing). p J e$e %oSY*.L1http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/taxes-faq/part1/faq.htmlr !<xnex=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J f$f $oSY*.1news:misc.taxess !<xnfx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J g$g %oSY*.1news:misc.taxes.moderatedv !<xrgx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J h$h  oSY*.1http://www1.ey.com/exec.htms !<xohx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J i$i #oSY*.+1http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/prod/cover.htmlt !<xoix-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide Web browser. However, the URL for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the Web: 1. Start your browser or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the URL into the URL display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide Web browser: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide Web Browser from the list. J k$k "oSY*.61http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/prod/forms_pubs/index.htmls !<xokx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J `$` B5 oSub1P          `' != W= `= UErnst & Young's Worldwide Executive Tax Guide #hhttp://www1.ey.com/exec.htm$h !OYWOYOY`Y BA9BM96(Y".".Fd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvdB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c,/VG)), 9:,@Gf`5, )?b)) ,d:,:,@Gf!% ))yzS) ,ij`00:0:Z*^ #/ Wzzoe)) 8i j,00@0iU^ )9iwieeennzzzzzzzzzoeeiwe99) K u:00,:09u*+U^o)00000000000#) [ u90,,09,OAw}{^U) , fu999,90,0V7>^)) ,/!ړ:99090,09F^,)8O90,00,,00`A8f)) /*/ڧV000:00099:Sjv) S:0@00,0,90:G?FԻ) Zfi,@0:0,000:9:4֍ `+ifj)ׯ u[O,0,@9,0,:,:jv!١fj,ڷ׺`@,:,99,,0:,@*vv ٶ !ׯfF,:,:000000@,`v!ZڋDZ fK׼F0:,9,999,0:99Sv!ȖD<rrn00,0,90:000909i+f[/v6Df7? 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Don't let the stress of the deadline get to you. Get some help through the Internet. As with most topics, the Internet contains a wealth of information about taxes. Some of this information comes from official government resources, while other information comes from your fellow Internet users.!4mƭͫa H1Click for instructions on Update Service comments`mupdtsrvUupdtsrvDupdtsrv BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c